
Kulturkampf in den USA: Der Gewinner

Kulturkampf in den USA: Der Gewinner

Kulturkampf in den USA: Der Gewinner

Linker Demonstrant in Columbus/Ohio, USA, Januar 2021
Linker Demonstrant in Columbus/Ohio, USA, Januar 2021
January 20, 2021, Columbus, Ohio, United States: Demonstrator holds a sign in front of Columbus City Hall. ..Activist groups in Columbus came together to form the ‚United Front Against the Far-Right and Capitalist System!‘ This demonstration began at Columbus City Hall, marched to the Columbus Statehouse and concluded with a march back to Columbus City Hall. Left wing activist groups organized this event, because they felt they needed to make their presence known to the Far-Right after supporters of the previous president, Donald J. Trump, breached the Capitol of the United States on Jan. 6, 2021. (Credit Image: © Stephen Zenner/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire
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Der Gewinner

Dem US-Filmemacher Christopher Rufo gelingt etwas für amerikanische Konservative Untypisches, er gewinnt – schreibt die Presse. Denn erfolgreich klärt er über die Ideologie des „Antirassismus“ auf.


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January 20, 2021, Columbus, Ohio, United States: Demonstrator holds a sign in front of Columbus City Hall. ..Activist groups in Columbus came together to form the ‚United Front Against the Far-Right and Capitalist System!‘ This demonstration began at Columbus City Hall, marched to the Columbus Statehouse and concluded with a march back to Columbus City Hall. Left wing activist groups organized this event, because they felt they needed to make their presence known to the Far-Right after supporters of the previous president, Donald J. Trump, breached the Capitol of the United States on Jan. 6, 2021. (Credit Image: © Stephen Zenner/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire

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